The struggle of Anglo-Americans against imperial tyranny is not new. It reaches back centuries, and continues to this day. It is rooted in Protestant nationalism, brought to North America primarily by British and Dutch Protestant settlers. Some of its historical manifestations include:
• Obtaining and maintaining the Magna Carta (see!all ) against the opposition of the king and the Papal Bull which sought to nullify it ( and )
• John Wyckliffe, the Morningstar of the Protestant Reformation, defends national and individual rights, opposing the usurpations of the Papal Anti-Christ ( )
• English Protestants struggle against “Bloody Mary” and the Pope (see )
• Scottish Protestants, led by John Knox, struggle against Mary, Queen of Scots, and the Pope
• English Protestants defend their national rights against the Spanish Armada and the Pope
• Dutch Protestants struggle against Spanish imperial rule and the Pope
• English Pilgrims and Puritans leave England to establish a Protestant colony freer from the dictates of the Monarch
• The British colonies that became the USA struggle against imperial rule based in London.
• The anti-federalist struggle to prevent the imposition of Federal Constitution and the illegal abandonment of the Articles of Confederation.
• The on-going struggle for states’ rights against an ever expanding assumption of power by the Federal Government based in Washington, DC, since the adoption of the Federal Constitution, which has brought us to a point where it is a modern tyrannical Babel.
Even today imperialists in Washington, DC and Rome are weaponizing foreigners against Anglo-Americans in order to further their imperial agenda, asserting that Biblical forms of nationalism are wrong and “racist.” Such weaponization of foreigners by imperialists is not new, as exemplified in the US War of Independence in which the following were weaponized:
• French Roman Catholics of Quebec (see . As noted at : “To complete the overkill, Parliament passed the Quebec Act, which cut off the claims of Massachusetts, Connecticut, Virginia, and New York to their western lands, and placed these lands, to add insult to injury, under the French Catholic jurisdiction of Quebec.”)
• Hessian soldiers (
• American Indians (
• African Americans (