An Important Inspiration


Brexit (the exit of the United Kingdom out of the European Union) serves as a renewed inspiration for the Anglo peoples of the world to reassert our national aspirations and repudiate open borders and the “global nation” model.  In turn, the restoration of the confederated USA of Anglo-American Patriot States under the Articles of Confederation (“Anglo-America”), which would include the partitioning out of the current federal US empire other separate nations and peoples (including Indian Reservations, Puerto Rico, etc.), would prove an inspiration to other entities, which in turn would become some of Anglo-America’s closest allies in the world.  These could include:




This would be most of the land area of Canada, yet with Quebec, First Nations, and certain other territory partitioned out.  It would entail the cessation of the current immigration policy so that Anglo dominance would be preserved in the territory under its control. 


The Facebook page advocating for this: 





This would be most of the land area of Australia, yet with Aboriginal nation’s land and perhaps certain other territory partitioned out. It would entail the cessation of the current immigration policy so that Anglo dominance would be preserved in the territory under its control. 


The Facebook page advocating for this: 



Anglo-New Zealand


This would be most of the land area of New Zealand, yet with Maori nation’s land and perhaps certain other territory partitioned out.  It would entail the cessation of the current immigration policy so that Anglo dominance would be preserved in the territory under its control.


The Facebook page advocating for this: 






This would be a significant portion of the land area of former Rhodesia, yet with the Shona nation and the Ndebele nation land partitioned out.  It may also include certain pockets in South Africa which Anglo-Africans are in the majority.  It would entail the cessation of the current immigration policy so that Anglo dominance would be preserved in the territory under its control.


The Facebook page advocating for this: 




In addition, this would hopefully give impetus for the restoration of an Afrikaner Republic in Africa, out of the misguided “rainbow nation” of modern South Africa.  Most of South African territory would thus be within the Afrikaner Republic in Africa, while the rest would be partitioned out to each of the other peoples which inhabit current South Africa.