Diversity Agenda by
J. Parnell McCarter
One of Satan’s chief ploys is to take an idea from
God’s word and subtly twist it into something that is actually contrary to
Biblical doctrine. This tactic was well
illustrated when Satan tempted Jesus to jump off the highest point of the
Similarly in our own day Satan is taking
Biblical ideas such as that Christians need to show love and charity to people
of all races and ethnicities, that the Church worldwide consists of people from
every tribe and tongue, and that the gospel needs to be proclaimed to all, into
advocacy for a diversity agenda. That
diversity agenda teaches that there is a moral imperative for each nation in
the world, each community in the world, and each congregation in the world-
especially in the richer white Western nations- to be racially and ethnically
diverse. The kicker is that all sorts of
tactics must be employed to achieve this, most of which are in fact contrary to
Biblical principles. Let me illustrate this diversity agenda in four
inter-related cases.
One case is the support of Intervarsity
Christian Fellowship (IVCF) of the Black Lives Matter movement, as documented
: "it
was surprising for InterVarsity to
devote an evening at its
case is that of Michelle Higgins herself, who spoke at the recent IVCF
conference, as noted above. Michelle
Higgins is a M. Div. graduate of the PCA's Covenant
Seminary and Director of Worship and Outreach at a PCA church in
another case is how the seminaries of the NAPARC denominations (see,
of which the PCA's Covenant Seminary and the HRC's Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary are examples,
have voluntarily sought and obtained "accreditation" with agencies
like ATS that require embrace of the diversity agenda. I have documented this at
. For instance, among the standards is
this one: " “6.2.4 Schools shall give evidence of efforts in
admissions to encourage diversity in such areas as race, ethnicity, region,
denomination, gender, or disability.”
Finally, there is
the example of Dr. David Murray's advocacy of the diversity agenda, as
documented at
. Dr. David Murray is professor at the HRC's Puritan
Reformed Theological Seminary. As
documented in the article, "At
Dr. Murray apologized for being critical of “Holy Hip Hop” or “Christian
Rap”. He ends the post with these words:
“One huge positive
that’s come out of this for me is that the Lord has given me a heart passion
for His beautiful plan of racially integrated churches. I hope and pray that
God will yet graciously use me to realize this world-transforming vision.”
So where his multiculturalist position logically
leads for him would be incorporating hip hop and rap into the worship of God at
reformed churches and other venues (like conferences he attends and recommends
This whole diversity agenda is thoroughly wrong and
misguided. There is no Biblical moral
imperative for
each nation in the world, each community in the world, and each congregation in
the world- especially in the richer white Western nations- to be racially and
ethnically diverse. The advocates of the
diversity agenda are inventing ethical principles out of thin humanistic air,
while they ignore the true Biblical moral principles summarized in the Ten
Commandments. Indeed, not only do they
ignore the true Biblical moral principles, they actively advocate things which
are contrary to true Biblical principles, as a means to their diversity agenda
ends. This diversity agenda cannot end well,
any more than it did for ancient