Too many Americans have a distorted view of the Confederation Period, the time in US history when the USA was under the Articles of Confederation.  One resource to help remedy the distortion is the book The New Nation: A History of the United States during the Confederation, 1781-1789 by Merrill Jensen.  It can be previewed at .




A book review is found at :


The  New  Nation.   A  History   of  the  United  States  during  the  Confederation,

1781-1789.  By  Merrill  Jensen.  (New  York:  Alfred  A.   Knopf,   1950.

xviii, 434,  xi p.  Essay  on  sources, index.  $5.00.)


Lying  in  the  historical  shadows  cast  by  two  of  the  most  dramatic  and

significant  events  in  American  history—the  Revolution  and  the  formation

of  the  Federal  government—the  era  of  the  Confederation  has  too  long

remained  obscure  and  neglected.


With  this  volume  we have  for  the first time  a reasonably  comprehensive

account  of the  Confederation  in  all its  major  aspects, soundly  based  on  an

impressive  range  of sources. Rich  in pertinent  detail  and  at  the  same  time

positive in its evaluations,  The New Nation  quite demolishes many  ancient

misconceptions, establishes important  new generalizations, and  raises chal-

lenging  questions  for  scholars  of the  future. Jensen  finds  his  central  theme  in  the  constitutional  debate  over  the character  of the  central  government  that  so engrossed  and  divided  leading men  of  the  time.  Taking  their  stand  on  the  Articles,  which  were  largely

their  creation,  were  the  "Federalists."  On  the  opposite  side,  favoring  a

central  government   possessed   of  extensive  sovereign  powers,  were  the

"Nationalists."  Included  in  both  camps  were  men  of  similar  economic,

geographic,  and  social  backgrounds, but  for  a variety  of individual  reasons

they  differed  in  their  attitudes  on  the great  constitutional  issue. With  the

exception  of the  closing years  of the war, the Federalists  were dominant  in

Congress. The Nationalists, however, were constantly  at work, both  on the

state  and  national  level, seeking  fundamental  changes  in  the nature  of  the

union. Eventually  they were to triumph,  and the Federal  Constitution  was

to  replace  the Articles.

While  the  constitutional  debate  raged,  the  new  nation  demonstrated

remarkable  vitality,  both  spiritually  and  economically.  It  was  a  time  of

strong cultural stirrings in literature, religion, and education. Humanitarian

impulses  were  quickened. The  minds  of  men  were stimulated  by  the pros-

pects  of the  future.

Although the war was followed  by a severe depression, economic recovery

was  remarkably  rapid,  especially  in  trade  and  manufacturing.  "There  is

nothing  in  the  knowable  facts  to  support  the  ancient  myth  of  idle  ships,

stagnant  commerce,  and  bankrupt  merchants  in  the  new nation"  (p. 218).

The  exact  status  of  the  agrarian  masses  is  more  difficult  to  ascertain,  but

there  is  evidence  that  distress  was  localized  rather  than  general.

Such problems  as those relating to demobilized veterans, loyalists, debts,

trade  regulation,  and  money  were  vigorously  attacked  on  the  state  level;

and  the  achievements,  objectively  assessed,  were  far  from  inconsiderable.

"Trade  barriers"  were  all  but  nonexistent;  the  state  acts  were  "strikingly

effective  and  are  a  partial  explanation  of  the  rapid  growth  of  American

commerce after  the Revolution" (p. 300). Even in the monetary field, where

so much  scorn  has  been  heaped  on  the  time-tested  devices  utilized  by  the


  the  need  for  revision  of  traditional  judgments  is  clearly  evident.

The  Confederation  period  is  not  to  be  regarded  as  a  skeleton  in  our

national  closet;  it  will  stand  full  scrutiny.  This  is  the  burden  of  Jensen's

argument. Yet  the  fact  that  his  book at  times  assumes too much  the  char-

acter  of an argument  will properly tend to make scholars wary of accepting

fully  his  positive  conclusions.  Because

  The New Nation

  is  "revisionist/'  it

should provoke controversy  and  the further  research that  is still needed on

many topics.


Rutgers  University       RICHARD P. MCCORMICK




The USA’s first constitution (which was illegally abandoned) was the Articles of Confederation:



Articles Of Conferderation - Lessons - Tes Teach





The Articles are a league and covenant of the States of the Christian Anglo-American patriot people (the nation for which they were entered), looking to God as the one who providentially brought them into effect, as the words of the Articles themselves convey:

“…the Delegates of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, did, on the 15th day of November, in the Year of Our Lord One thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy seven, and in the Second Year of the Independence of America, agree to certain articles of Confederation and perpetual Union…The said states hereby severally enter into a firm league of friendship with each other, for their common defence, the security of their Liberties, and their mutual and general welfare, binding themselves to assist each other… to make requisitions from each state for its quota, in proportion to the number of white inhabitants in such state…the Articles of this confederation shall be inviolably observed by every state, and the union shall be perpetual; nor shall any alteration at any time hereafter be made in any of them; unless such alteration be agreed to in a congress of the united states, and be afterwards confirmed by the legislatures of every state…it hath pleased the Great Governor of the World to incline the hearts of the legislatures we respectively represent in congress, to approve of, and to authorize us to ratify the said articles of confederation and perpetual union…”

It is quite evident that the centralized US Federal Government is on course to turn us into a complete modern Babel- a “global nation” empire where wickedness is normalized and mandated and liberty is curtailed.

The Goal of our Cause is to restore the confederated USA of Anglo-American Patriot States, under the Articles of Confederation (America’s first constitution that was unadvisedly and illegally abandoned), with the Continental Colors flag as the symbol of our enterprise.  Important to this cause is to partition out of the USA those liberal “blue” areas in a sea of “red” areas that remain part of the USA, such as illustrated here:



Liberal Democrats hate the historic USA and do not want to be part of it except to the extent they can get money out of it.


The USA was founded as a Confederation of Anglo-American Patriot States, not as a “global nation” empire.   This Cause seeks to return America to its historic identity, an identity described in historian Dr. Samuel P. Huntington’s book Who Are We? The Challenges to America’s National Identity.


Method: create a network of Committees of Correspondence of Anglo-American patriots in every State of the USA.  Each State Committee will in turn elect a State Council/Assembly, which can then send delegates to a restored Continental Congress under the Articles of Confederation.


Time to Form Committee Network and Restore Continental Congress: Now!!!


Time When the State Committees and Continental Congress can Replace the current Federal System of Government: during the likely coming major financial collapse (due to ever increasing debt) and fall of the Federal System. The current Federal System is economically, politically and morally bankrupt, and hence highly unstable.  It is amassing more and more debt, making it subject to a coming financial collapse which will make the collapse of 2008 look tame in comparison.  It has become more and more of a socialist police state over a “global nation” increasingly difficult to manage, especially in a coming time of financial collapse. Hostile foreign competitors like China and Russia (working with rogue states like North Korea and Iran) are gathering strength and positioning themselves to bring down the US Federal government as well, while the Federal System is over-extended with military outposts around the world.  Federal efforts to maintain abortion, mandate “gay marriage”, promote the “LGBT” agenda, curtail gun rights, etc., at a time of rising suicide rates, an opioid crisis, and declining birthrates, are evidence of moral bankruptcy.  All combined, there are good reasons to believe the Federal System will fall, with the alternative Confederated System waiting in the wings to replace it.



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