As the USA increasingly adopts a policy of permanent amnesty for illegal immigrants, the results are predictable.  There are significant numbers of poor people in nations such as Honduras, Haiti, etc.  The living conditions there are frightful.  For example, consider Honduras:

 “Poverty, crime and corruption have overwhelmed Honduras, a fledgling democracy engulfed in political chaos and designated the murder capital of Latin America. Little has improved under President Porfirio Lobo, who took over after his predecessor was removed on charges of subverting democracy. The turmoil has prompted many Hondurans to flee north.”-

As barriers are lifted for illegal immigrants to live in the USA (with the Democratic Party calling for it, and the Republican Party capitulating to it), many more from nations such as Honduras will be emboldened to come, despite putative illegality.  They see in the USA a stable nation in contrast to the nation of their current residence.  Compounding this lure is the hope offered by the Obama Administration (and really just a continuation of previous policy) that the wealth of the USA will be re-distributed, through free healthcare, free food, etc.

And the consequences of this are all very predictable too:  the problems of Honduras (or worse) will simply be transplanted to the USA.  Crime and corruption will become more rampant.  For example:

“Criminal street gangs—mostly comprised of illegal immigrants—are responsible for the majority of violent crimes in the United States and are the primary distributors of most illicit drugs.  The alarming, but not surprising, information is revealed in a new report published by the Justice Department’s National Gang Intelligence Center (NGIC), an FBI task force created in 2005 to curb the growing threat of violent gangs in the U.S. The NGIC teams up with state and local law enforcement agencies throughout the nation to enforce, study and intercept gangs and has published several reports documenting their activities. Before the agency’s publication was made public a national newspaper revealed some of its findings. It says that up to 80% of crime in the U.S. is committed by gangs and that gang membership in this country has grown to 1 million, an increase of 200,000 in the last few years. Additionally, gangs are the “primary retail-level distributors of most illicit drugs” in the U.S. and several are sophisticated enough to compete with major Mexican drug-trafficking cartels. Most of the country’s state and local enforcement agencies have reported gang activity in their jurisdiction and the problem will only get worse, according to the FBI.  In fact, a high-ranking FBI director said gangs have followed the migration paths of illegal alien laborers to avoid big-city police departments that have cracked down on their activities.” - 

Furthermore, at some point the USA will not be able to afford having the highest incarceration rate in the world, which has kept the lid on the crime rate.  As the prisons open, we are looking at a situation that could only be dreamed of by the Marxist philosopher Frantz Fanon: the lumpenproletariat will be unleashed in the USA.  I personally believe that this is the design and desire of some.  But whether this is by design or not, the results will be the same: bedlam.

As certain conservative segments of the US population become ever more frustrated by the trends and hopeless as to solutions offered by the US federal government, there will likely be serious attempts at secession, especially led from within the southern white population.  The first wave of such efforts are likely to be squelched by the US federal government, and many secessionists may lose their lives in the effort.  The US federal government will be even more dominated by a coalition of African Americans, Hispanics and white liberals (especially white liberals concentrated in the North and Far West).

But it is likely the coalition of African Americans, Hispanics and white liberals in America will splinter longer term too.  The main thing holding this disparate coalition together is not so much what they have in common as what they commonly oppose.  When what they commonly oppose is no longer a significant threat to their political aspirations, then the forces working against their union will over time likely prove greater than the forces holding them together.  In geographic terms, much of the Southwest would become dominated by Hispanics, much of the Southeast would become dominated by African Americans, and much of the Northeast and Midwest would become dominated by white Americans.  Of course, at the same time as these developments are occurring internally, external factors would be coming to bear upon the USA.  My guess has been that a league of nations (likely European) under the Roman Catholic Pope will serve the deathblow to the USA as a nation, which would in turn solidify the domestic splintering already underway.