






By J. Parnell McCarter



Here is a central question those of us who believe in explicitly Christian civil government should consider: should we insist on explicitly **Protestant** Christian govt, or simply explicitly Christian civil government?  It appears to me that Gerald Tritle, like many other American Reconstructionists, felt that we should work for simply explicitly Christian civil govt.  That means he entertained forming an alliance with Romanists in order to effect "Christian" government.


But meaningful Christian civil government is necessarily explicitly Protestant, and it should be so insisted from the outset.  This is because the foundation of sound civil government is sound religion.  Romanism, however, is a false form of Christianity.  It denies the true Biblical gospel of grace and it rejects true worship (eg, by its idolatrous Mass). 


In reality, the Vatican is little better than the Mafia, manifesting a history of criminality.  (Puritan News Weekly has multiple articles on this topic.  Consider one more recent incident of criminality: VATICAN INSISTED ON SECRECY IN SEX ABUSE CASES - at http://www.puritans.net/news/vatican080703.htm .) Romans chapter 1 tells us why the Romish Church keeps falling into these abuses: God gives men up to these sins for their false religion and worship. 


Back in America's colonial era, we had explicitly Protestant Christian government.  For all of its warts, so did the Great Britain from which Americans rebelled, to form a secular humanist federal US government. 


Ex-Dominican RC Priest (now Calvinist) Richard Bennett has made the following insight:


"Major Evangelical leaders ecumenize with Rome

      More and more so-called Evangelicals have accepted Roman Catholicism and its Pope through the Papacy’s plan of dialogue spelled out in 1964”   The success of compromise is described by Catholic Keith Fournier in his book Evangelical Catholics.  He says, “In our meeting room were major Evangelical leaders I’ve admired for years Dr. Charles Stanley, Dr. Jerry Falwell, Dr. D. James Kennedy, Pat Robertson, and many others.  I found not only a tremendous openness to my presence, but also a growing respect for my church and a thawing in what had been hard ice in the past.”   Some of the compromisers have been J.I. Packer, Charles Colson, Robert Schuller, John R. W. Stott, Os Guinness, Richard Land, Timothy George, T.M. Moore, John Woodbridge, Tony Campolo, James Dobson, Luis Palau, Franklin Graham, Carl Henry, Bill Hybels, Jack Van Impe to name but a few.  And such self-styled Evangelical institutions as Christianity Today, Christian Research Institute, Fuller Seminary, Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, Thomas Nelson Publishers, United Bible Societies, Campus Crusade, Wheaton College, World Magazine, World Vision, Wycliffe Bible Translators, and Youth for Christ have also aligned themselves with the Roman Catholic Church.  Pope John Paul II has worked successfully to implement and promote the re-entry of Protestants back into the Roman Catholic Church."


What should be noted is how many professed Protestants are forming alliance with Rome in order to try to effect certain political goals.  That includes Dr. Jerry Falwell, Dr. D. James Kennedy, and Pat Robertson.  And it includes many Reconstructionists and Theonomists as well.  But it is a trap.  Protestants, who have been marginalized in American politics, are promised a seat at the table if they will form an alliance with Romanists.  See the article at http://www.puritans.net/news/conservatism102203.htm .  Here is a quote from that article:


"What is most significant in this extract is Judge Dooling's finding that the anti-abortion movement's main source of energy, organization, and direction has been the [Roman] Catholic Church. The bishops' Pastoral Plan prompted the creation of the Moral Majority.  Richard A. Viguerie, a Catholic, is the man most responsible for the development and success of the New Right, and he will be the first to claim that honor. He was also involved in the original discussions that led to the creation of the Moral Majority and, as its fundraiser, can be credited with its financial success. Paul Weyrich, a [Roman] Catholic, claims credit for originating the idea for the group and the name itself. In their search for an attractive front man for the organization, they chose Jerry Falwell, who, according to intimates, has an insatiable lust for power - and, thus, Moral Majority, Inc., was born." 


It is very tempting for Reconstructionists as well to form such alliances.  But the end result is increasing ecumenism with Rome and increasing doctrinal compromise.  This seems to have beset Gerald Tritle, and I would submit that it is besetting other American Reconstructionists and theonomists as well (http://www.puritans.net/news/aapc011303.htm ).


But we should remain faithful to the methods and goals of the Protestant Reformation, which God will restore in His time and His Providence!