



ROMISH COMMUNION                            




By J. Parnell McCarter

Puritan News Service



Many American Protestants have adopted Romish religious practices.   One area where this trend can be seen is in the area of communion.  Many Protestants are abandoning the principle that thorough catechism in scriptural doctrines should precede communicant membership.  Communicant membership thus no longer means knowledge and assent to the reformed body of doctrine.  In turn, this means there is no real unity in the faith among communicants, because there is not a shared knowledge and agreement with the Protestant faith.


Dr. Francis Nigel Lee has written extensively and cogently against Romish communion, and in favor of historic Protestant communion practices.  Here is an excerpt from Dr. Lee’s writings:



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“Paedocommunionism is ultimately rooted in Paganism.   Foreign to the Holy

Bible, it crept into the Early-Mediaeval Church especially in the East – and

was later sectarianly recycled by the Anabaptists in the West in their

polemic against antipaedocommunionistic Protestant Paedobaptists.


In the Holy Bible, there were 'Catechism Schools' to train Pre-Communicants

before their admission first to the Passover and later to the Eucharist.

Thus Dr. Samuel Miller, Dr. John Gill, and the Talmud.   A minimum number

or minyan of ten adult males was needed at every official ecclesiastical

worship service (Exodus 12:3f,21-26,37 cf. Ruth 4:2 & Luke 22:7-30).

Indeed, also the Lex Gentium regards the attainment of adolescence and

accompanying training at that time -- to be essential for admission to adult

responsibilities.   Thus e.g. the Early Britons, the Anglo-Saxons, Alfred,

Athelstane & Canute.


Classic Protestantism rejected not just Infant Communion but also

Pre-Adolescent Communion; but at Trent, Romanism condemned such

strict catechizings at puberty.   All of the Calvinistic Confessions of

Faith either explicitly or implicitly condemn Paedocommunionism.

Indeed, the present and ongoing Neo-Paedocommunionism in the West

is a rancid fruit of the ungodly French Revolution with its warped emphasis

on the total equality of all human beings which has today resulted even

in grossly-exaggerated so-called  'rights of the child' (sic).


Professor Kamphuis rightly views Child Communion as the end of all Church

Discipline.   The modern heresy of Neo-Paedocommunionism has

been condemned by Iain Murray, Dr. K. Deddens, Dr. Leonard Coppes,

Dr. Edwin Elliott, Dr. Richard Bacon, Dr. Joe Morecraft, Dr. Ken Gentry,

Theo Danzfuss, Bob Grossmann, Parnell McCarter, Dr. Morton Smith,

Matthew Winzer and Dr. Francis Nigel Lee – even though some modern

Western denominations have capitulated to this product of the ongoing march

of the French Revolution even into many churches.    What is needed,

against such Paedocommunionistic Deformation, is a New Protestant



The mature Adam was catechized by God regarding manducation of the

fruit-trees in Eden.   Adam no doubt later catechized Eve similarly; and,

subsequently, their three sons Cain and Abel and Seth.  Seth catechized

his children; Jared, his son Enoch; Enoch, Methuselah; Methuselah,

Noah; and Noah his three sons Shem and Ham and Japheth.   The Semite

Abraham catechized his household -- and so on down to Moses who,

in turn, instructed the Elders and fathers of Israel to catechize their sons

regarding the Passover.   Thenceforth, also the Passovers themselves were

Catechetical Schools.


In Proverbs 22:6, David’s son Solomon urges: “Keep on catechizing a lad

in the way he should go!  Then, when his beard starts growing, he will not

depart therefrom.”   The word ‘catechize’ means  ‘instruct’ – and is often

used also in the New Testament.   There, it often precedes maturely and

publically professing one’s faith in the Lord, and apparently also with

regard to manducation at the Passover and at the Lord’s Supper which

has replaced it.   I Timothy 5:12 cf. Aboth 5:21 and Luke 2:42f & Hebrews

5:11 to 6:5.


The Early Christian Church continued the confirmatory Hebraic “custom”

of catechizing for three years before giving her own covenant youth the

Lord’s Supper at or after but not before puberty.  Cf. Clement of

Alexandria, the Apostolic Constitutions, Cyril, Chrysostom, Ambrose,

Augustine, and Calvin’s Institutes.   That catechizing taught the Ten

Commandments, the Lord’s Prayer; the substance of the Apostles’

Creed; and the nature of the Sacraments.


Calvin insisted infantly-baptized covenant children were after their

early childhood to be catechized and publically to profess their faith

when adolescents or subsequently, before being admitted to the

Lord’s Supper.   The Candidate “would be questioned on each head,

and give answers to each [Exodus 12:26-37 cf. Luke 2:42-47]....

It has ever been the practice of the Church...to see that children should

duly be instructed in the Christian religion...and...to question children

in the churches....  The Supper was instituted by our Lord....   On the

Sunday before its celebration, an announcement shall be made that no

child is to come to it – before having made ‘Profession of Faith’ in

accordance with what is taught in the Catechism.”


Calvin’s Student Knox insisted: “All Ministers must be admonished to be

more careful to instruct the ignorant...and to use sharp examination....

The administration of the Table ought never to be without examination

passing beforehand....   None are to be admitted to this ‘Mystery’ [of

the Supper] who cannot formally say the Lord’s Prayer, the Articles of

the Belief [alias the Apostles’ Creed], nor declare the Sum of the Law

[alias the Ten Commandments].”


The same is implied by the Westminster Shorter Catechism as “a

Directory for catechising such as are of weaker capacity.”   It requires

those desiring to receive the Supper for the first time, initially to be

tested and approved by the local Session of Christ’s Church before

their Admission to the Table.  Also the Westminster Directory for

the Publick Worship of God states that “the ignorant are not fit to

receive the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper”-- which, declares the

Larger Catechism, should be given “only to such as are of years

and ability to examine themselves (First Corinthians 11:28-29).”

Indeed, “such as are found to be ignorant, notwithstanding their

profession of the faith and desire to come to the Lord’s Supper,

may and ought to be kept from that Sacrament by the power which

Christ has left in His Church” and vested in the Session of Elders who

are to guard the Lord’s Table from being misused.


For Christ Himself “instituted” His Holy Supper.   At that very time,

however, only adult Christian disciples ate and drank of it -- at the

Worship Service there in the Upper Room.   Thus the Confession

29:8 says that even such of the godly as are still “ignorant” of these

matters, are “unfit to enjoy communion.”   They are “unworthy of

the Lord’s Table and cannot without great sin against Christ -- while

they remain such -- partake of these ‘Holy Mysteries’ or be admitted

thereunto.  First Corinthians 5:6-13 & Matthew 7:6.”