







By J. Parnell McCarter

Puritan News Service




Our chief enemy is Satan.  It is his desire to receive all the glory and all the submission that properly belongs to Christ.  He is the ultimate Anti-Christ.  That is, he is the ultimate one who would like to sit in the place of Christ, which is what scripture principally means by the term anti-christ.  Right before the Second Advent of Christ, he will personally come on earth and seek this honor for himself, following the millennial restoration (which is a restoration of the Protestant Reformation, but on a grander scale).


But before the millennial restoration Satan works through human agents.  He has two chief agents that represent him on earth, who seek to sit in the place of Christ.  We see this aspect of two chief agents in the Sea Beast and the Land Beast described in Revelation chapter 13.  We also see it in the Beast and False Prophet described in Revelation chapter 19.  (The False Prophet in Revelation 19 is the same as the Land Beast of Revelation 13, but the Beast of Revelation 19 is a new manifestation of the Sea Beast of Revelation 13.)  Finally we see it in the star that represents Satan, which is Sirius the Dog-Star.  (See the Puritan News Weekly article on New Year’s Eve celebrations, which addresses this topic.)   Sirius is actually 2 stars revolving around each other, a fact that the ancient Egyptians knew. 


The Beast and the False Prophet of Revelation 19 most probably correspond to the Black Pope and the White Pope.  The first Black Pope was Ignatius Loyola, and subsequent Black Popes have been the line of Secretary Generals of the Jesuit Order.  The Papacy, as Satan’s agent on earth, seeks to receive all the glory and submission of peoples and nations in place of Christ.  In their scheme of things, all should “kiss the Pope”.


The power of the Black Pope and the White Pope proceeds in part from their international network of single male agents.  As the Apostle Paul noted, singleness generally affords one more ability to concentrate fully upon a particular task.  There are not the responsibilities and cares attached to marriage.  Their single male agents can therefore focus more fully and engage in more dangerous activities.  But they are not limited to this network of single male agents, but employ married agents as well.


Their power, at least in the short term, also proceeds from their lack of scruples.  Some of their agents can be secret agents, appearing to be what they are not.  (In this respect, they are like their father the Devil, who appears as an angel of Light, but is not.)  So a Jesuit agent can be sent into the Protestant ministry, and work to undermine Protestantism while building up Romanism.  And Jesuit agents can be sent into all sorts of civil governments, and work for Romish interests.  They can lie, steal, cheat, and deceive, so long as the ends are for Rome.


There is internecine strife even between the Black Pope and the White Pope, just enough to remind them that Satan is the one really in charge of them, but never so much as to destroy the other.  Some of this internecine strife is played out in the competition between their network of agents, like Jesuits versus Opus Dei.  Sometimes it is even has played out in civil strife, as between communist and fascist factions.  This internecine strife corresponds to the competition between the Holy Roman Emperor and the (White) Pope, in the era described in Revelation 13.


This is not to suggest that all of Christ’s enemies are under the Papacy.   Clearly many Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, and communists are not.  Human depravity is such that there are many ways to rebel against God.  But the most dangerous anti-christ is that Man of Sin, who like the Son of Perdition Judas Iscariot, is within Christendom.  Such an anti-christ is especially subtle, like Satan himself, who appears as an angel of light. 


Much more could be said about the enemy.  And much more will be said in future articles.