






By J. Parnell McCarter


Most modern-day Protestants are woefully ignorant of the role played by the Jesuit Order in revolutionary movements.  This was not the case in former days, when even nominal Protestants were aware of the nefarious activities of the Jesuits and various other Roman Catholic orders.  Representative of this understanding was President John Adams, who wrote Thomas Jefferson as follows:

“I do not like the reappearance of the Jesuits...Shall we not have regular swarms of them here, in as many disguises as only a king of the gypsies can assume, dressed as printers, publishers, writers and schoolmasters? If ever there was a body of men who merited eternal damnation on earth and in hell, it is this Society of Loyola’s. Nevertheless, we are compelled by our system of religious toleration to offer them an asylum....” (The Power and Secret of the Jesuits, Rene Fulop-Miller, 390)

But most of today’s Protestants are unaware of the central role played by the Jesuits and other Roman Catholic orders in the “Liberation Theology” movements, along with many earlier revolutionary movements, that have plagued Latin America, the Philippines, and other places where Romanism has a strong foothold.  Here is the reality of which most are not cognizant:

“For some time, certain [Roman] Catholic theologians in Latin America - principally Jesuits of the post-World War II period - had been developing a new theology. They called it the Theology of Liberation, and based it on the theories of their European counterparts.

It was an elaborate and carefully worked out system, but its core principle is very simple: The whole and only meaning of Christianity as a religion comes down to one achievement - the liberation of men and women, by armed and violent revolution if necessary, from the economic, social, and political slavery imposed on them by U.S. capitalism; this is to be followed by the establishment of "democratic socialism."

In this "theological" system, the so-called "option" for the economically poor and the politically oppressed, originally described as a "preferential" option by Catholic bishops in Latin America at their conference in Medellin, Colombia, in 1968, became totally exclusive: There was one enemy - capitalist classes, middle and upper and lower, chiefly located in the United States. Only the "proletariat" - the "people" - was to be fomented by the imposition of Marxism.

Liberation Theology was the perfect blueprint for the Sandinistas.

It incorporated the very aim of Marxist-Leninism. It presumed the classic Marxist "struggle of the masses" to be free from all capitalist domination. And above all, the Marxist baby was at last wrapped in the very swaddling clothes of ancient Catholic terminology. Words and phrases laden with meaning for the people were co-opted and turned upside down.

The historical Jesus, for example, became an armed revolutionary. The mystical Christ became all the oppressed people, collectively. Mary the Virgin became the mother of all revolutionary heroes. The Eucharist became the bread freely made by liberated workers. Hell became the capitalist system. The American president, leader of the greatest capitalist country, became the Great Satan. Heaven became the earthly paradise of the workers from which capitalism is abolished. Justice became the uprooting of capitalist gains, which would be "returned" to the people, to the "mystical body" of Christ, the democratic socialists of Nicaragua. The Church became that mystical body, "the people," deciding its fate and determining how to worship, pray, and live, under the guidance of Marxist leaders.

It was a brilliant synthesis, ready-made and just waiting for the activists who would set about erecting a new sociopolitical structure on its basis, as a building rises from a blueprint.

The Nicaraguan people were the first guinea pigs on whom the theory was experimentally tried. And the priests who were charter members in the Sandinista leadership - Jesuit Fernando Cardenal Ernesto Cardenal, Miguel D'Escoto Brockman of the Maryknoll Fathers, Jesuit Alvaro Arguello, Edgar Parrales of the Managua diocese - made the experiment doubly blessed and likely to succeed.

If such men, duly ordained as priests, could successfully get this new "theological" message across - that the Sandinista revolution was really a religious matter sanctioned by legitimate Church spokesmen - they would have both the [Roman] Catholic clergy and the people as allies in a Marxist-style revolution by armed violence.

[no R. C. was ever excommunicated for engaging in violent revolution ..... JP ]

Without a doubt, the plan had been carefully thought out and elaborated, based on a profound analysis of the Nicaraguan people and of its clergy.

No doubt, too, the first connivers in the scheme were the priests themselves; there are even those in Managua today and among prominent Nicaraguan exiles in Panama, Honduras, and Miami, Florida,who point the finger at Fernando Cardenal as the prime architect of the scheme. But what evidence there is does suggest that he was not the only Jesuit involved.

In any case, the Sandinista undertaking was ever more brilliantly explained, refined, and dinned into the ears of seminarians, nuns, university students, and the popular mind by increasing numbers of their Jesuit, Franciscan, and Maryknoll teachers and lecturers throughout the schools of Central America. The seeding time was well spent in the view of ultimate Marxisation. The pathetic court testimony of the young Nicaraguan Edgard Lang Sacasa told the world as far back as 1977 that it had been his priest educators who had persuaded him and thousands like him to join the Sandinista guerrillas. “  (from http://www.mosquitonet.com/~prewett/mmartinjesuits.html )

Nor should it come as any surprise that Marxists like Fidel Castro were Jesuit-educated.

Such revolutionary movements can emphasize the struggle of the economic underclass (e.g., Liberation Theology), or the struggle of a certain ethnic group for self-rule (such as the Theology of Inculturation, described at http://www.puritans.net/news/bolivia122105.htm )

American should not believe the US is free from the instigation of such revolutionary movements, aided and abetted by the Jesuits and other Romish orders.  Consider the following information from http://www.mnforsustain.org/immg_us_pop_and_immg_part1_daleiden_j.htm :

“In another two decades, we may have such a large Spanish-speaking population in the Southwestern states that we will encounter the phenomenon that Canada experienced with the attempted secession of French speaking [Roman Catholic] Quebec. Already a militant Hispanic movement headquartered in Los Angeles called Casa Aztlan estimates that within twenty to thirty years they will have enough votes in California, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona to win a secession vote to set up a new Hispanic nation or reunify with Mexico. On 90 percent of the public high school and university campuses in the Southwestern United States, there is a group called MEXA.*

* Until 1997 they called themselves MEChA Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan. In 1997 they changed the spelling of Chicano to Xicano and now call themselves MEXA.

The preamble to the MEXA Constitution states that: “Chicana/Chicano students of California must politicize our Raza [race] and continue the struggle for self‑determination of the Chicana/Chicano people and the liberation of the nation of Aztlan."106 Article II, Section 1 states that the “General Membership shall consist of any student who accepts, believes, and works for the goals and objectives of Me.Ch.A. including the liberation of Aztlan, meaning self‑determination of our people in this 'occupied state' and the physical liberation of our land”(emphasis mine).

In a California conference entitled “The Immigration Crisis,” Dr. Jose Angel Gutierrez from the University of Texas drew cheers from his audience when he shouted:

Why do they come after us? Because we are fighting as a new Meztizo nation, not to be conquered .... We are going to build Aztlan we are here again! . . . We are millions! Regardless of the outcome in the short term, we have to survive. There is an aging white America; they are not making babies. It is a matter of time. The most preferred minority (blacks) are not making babies, their numbers are declining. Their expectations exceed what they are entitled to. Asians are at our heels; don't get too comfortable. You've got to get ready to govern. You must believe that you are entitled to govern. They say you are Latinizing Los Angeles I love it! Aztlan is our homeland! We are here again!107

…Is Dr. Gutierrez spouting just empty rhetoric? Although he is wrong about the number of blacks declining, Dr. Gutierrez is correct in recognizing that the fastest‑growing group in America are Hispanics. If present trends continue, their numbers will rise from 22 million in 1990 to 81 million by 2050.108 They will be primarily concentrated in just nine states: ‑California, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Florida, Illinois, New Cork, and New Jersey. If they continue to be on the bottom of the economic heap and the socioeconomic profile of most of new immigrants suggest that they will be109 they will most likely blame the American “occupiers” of “Aztlan.” The use of terrorism to achieve the goal of secession then becomes quite probable. We might recall that the last time a group of states tried to secede from the Union it was a bloody event indeed. …

The present migration patterns will even change the mix of religions in America, greatly increasing the power of the Catholic Church, which is a major reason Catholic prelates are so anxious to support sanctuary movements and virtually unrestricted immigration. Jesuit Father Richard Ryscavage, executive director of Migration and Refugee Services, boasted that immigration “is the growing edge of Catholicism in the U.S.” and the influx of more than ten million migrants in the last decade“is the key to our future."112

We should not be surprised then that the Jesuit Order, through Jesuit Foundations, is funneling money into the support of groups like the Movimento Estudiantil Chicana/o de Aztlan (MEChA).  Just one instance is described at http://www.usfca.edu/usfnews/11.03.04/ac3.html :  “In the past, issues have been seen as a black issue or a Latino issue but now we realize that it’s all of our issues,” said junior Maria Vivanco, co-founder of a campus chapter of Movimento Estudiantil Chicana/o de Aztlan (MEChA). “Now culture-focused clubs realize that collaborative effort is the way to go.”  With funding from a Jesuit Foundation grant, an array of leadership and cultural-reflection workshops have been introduced this year in which students learn how to work with each other and the university administration in moving toward a more inclusive community.”

The political objectives of MEChA are real and attainable.  Consider this information at http://www.americanpatrol.com/MECHA/AZTLAN.html :

“Chicanos call the seven states of the Southwestern United States Aztlan. Its roots stem from a mythical land which the Aztecs supposedly once occupied north of Mexico City. In the modern context, Aztlan is the territory ceded to the United States by Mexico as part of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo of 1848. Mexico agreed to the settlement and the U.S. paid for the land.
Aztlan is the "A" in MEChA - Movemiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan - The student movement of Chicanos of Aztlan...one of the largest student movements in California...

The preamble of the MECHA constitution reads:

"Chicana/Chicano students of California must take upon themselves the responsibilities to promote Chicanismo within the community; as well as politicize our Raza (Race) and continue the struggle for self-determination of the Chicana/Chicano people and the liberation of Aztlan"

The following is from the October, 1996, VCT newsletter:

1995 Textbook Calls for Liberation of Aztlan

SANTA BARBARA...Oct 12...Santa Barbara County has adopted a textbook which calls for the "liberation of Aztlan" by Chicanos. The book, The Mexican American Heritage, will be used for high school "Chicano studies" throughout Santa Barbara County.

According to a review of the book by Debora L. Sutherland of Santa Barbara, the book introduces the concept of "Aztlan" in the first chapter and from that point on uses the term to mean the seven states of the Southwest which were ceded to the U.S. by Mexico in the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo in 1848.

"The book consistently questions the validity of our existing border with Mexico," Sutherland wrote." It also makes it very clear that with the continuing influx of Latinos into the Southwest along with their high birthrate, these so-called 'natives' will realize their power to control Aztlan once again."

On page 107 it says,

"Latinos are now realizing that the power to control Aztlan may once again be in their hands."

As with all revolutionary movements, the rule of law is not respected.  Indeed, the Jesuit Order has long promoted lawlessness.  Therefore, we should not be surprised of their support of lawless illegal immigration from Mexico to achieve their ends.  As documented at http://www.puritans.net/news/immigration041006.htm , the Roman Catholic Church has been instrumental in fomenting protest marches to try to stop laws which would properly punish violators of immigration laws.  Below is a picture from one march, replete with many Mexican flags which display the revolutionary nature of the movement.

Protesters rally Downtown against immigration legislation.

MEChA is very much involved in these marches, as even their own website (http://www.thedailyaztec.com/media/storage/paper741/news/2006/04/04/City/Sdsu-Students.Join.Immigration.Protests-1778820.shtml?norewrite200604120957&sourcedomain=www.thedailyaztec.com ) admits:

“SDSU students join immigration protests

Members of MEChA and AChA march in Downtown

The cries of protesters rang through the streets of Downtown San Diego on Friday.

With the support of San Diego State's Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano/a de Aztlán members and other SDSU organizations, an estimated 2,000 high school students rallied against the most recent immigration law proposal.

MEChA members supervised the high school students at Chicano Park in Barrio Logan before the demonstrators made their way downtown to protest the proposed legislation bill HR4437 - which would make it a felony to be an illegal immigrant - and other proposed immigration bills.

"We are not there to tell them what to do, but to support their protest and help give it structure because a lot of these students have never been to a protest," said MEChA President Edmundo Garcia, who helped to guide the peaceful demonstrations. "We just want to make sure they exercise their first amendment right without getting in trouble." …

By constantly fomenting such revolutionary strife, the Jesuit Order diverts people away from focusing on what is really needed to heal societal woes: Protestant Reformation.