







By Al Hembd




http://www.reformed-theology.org/html/books.htm  Scroll down to the books--about halfway through the page.

This one, by Anthony Sutton, a brilliant and well-researched author, is called "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler."  Documents how the Rockefellers in particular financed Hitler; how John D Rockefeller III built rubber factories for Hitler that were used for tires for military vehicles; how John D III sold Hitler countless reserves of petrol; how John D III also taught Hitler the trick of how to convert coal tar into petroleum.  You might recall that this is what the Nazis actually did, starting in 1943, when their access to Middle Eastern oil was cut off after Stalingrad.  Documents, too, how Wall Street Bankers like Prescott Bush lent Hitler millions, with which he manufactured tanks, cannons, artillery, battleships, etc....



This book, also by Anthony Sutton, documents how Wall Street financed the Bolshevik Revolution, and continued financing the Communists throughout the Cold War.



Of course--you start reading the names, you realize that these are the Mason brothers of the New York City Jesuits at Fordham University.  Sutton also addresses how that many Jews were in on the financing of the Bolsheviks, and well proves that this of itself was not a Jewish conspiracy as such--only the dealings of men who were Jewish, who also were unethical.  However, the book mentions names--which, when you look at other sources---are names of Zionists who also are all FreeMasons.