






By Al Hembd




http://www.survivorsnetwork.org - This is the website of the group that brought the mass lawsuit against the Archdiocese of Boston. The Oregon chapter of Survivor's Network is bringing a shocking lawsuit against the archdiocese there in Oregon, proving a pattern, not only of abuse and cover-up, but also of repeated exploitation of them that had been abused--even after the abuse had been confronted.  I look for criminal prosecutions in that case.

Also--it's back to the grand jury for Archbishop Law.  The new archbishop tried to get the litigants to drop the lawsuit, to settle out of court--but it's obvious that SNAP (Society of those Abused by Priests) is not going to let go.  They're going for blood.  Consequently, Archbishop Law is once again before the DA in Boston.

Interesting, though...countries in the past have tried to deal with Rome.  Alberto Ribera, for example, documents the following.  After WWI, all the nations of Europe, and the United States, were furious with the Vatican for having stirred up Germany to such militarism in WWI.  It was beyond the shadow of a doubt that the Jesuits had fueled the entire militarist mindset...with a view, not only of gaining power, but also of destroying the Serbian Orthodox Church.  Germany and Austria-Hungary--the Hapsburgs--they were decidedly behind it all.  And Turkey, with the Caliphate, was recruited into Rome's camp, because of the old Rome-Muslim alliance.

Well, anyway, people were really down on Rome after WWI.  Wilson and the other globalists refused even to consider granting the Vatican a chair at the League of Nations.  And they carved up Austria-Hungary specifically with a view toward weakening the militarist Catholic Alliance of Central Europe.

Well, this anti-Papist backlash was felt, first, in Germany--where the Socialists rose to great power for a time (until Rome engineered the rise of the Nazis)--and in Spain.  Spain, as you probably know, came under the power of the Communists.

Even though the Communist leaders had been trained by the Jesuits, they were out for blood.  Why?  Because, first of all, to punish Rome for its meddling, the Communists expropriated all property of the Church.  And, they began to search the properties.

In three monasteries, underground tunnels were found linking monasteries with nunneries.  And there were pits in those underground tunnels, with hundreds of baby skeletons, all murdered, most by suffocation.  Obviously, the tunnels were for secret illicit liaisons.

It came out that the nuns suffocating the infants, feeling that "suffering" would more conform the babies to the "saints," and so, would secure them a better afterlife.  And so, they suffocated them, and then baptized them, to wash away their sins.

These discoveries infuriated the Spaniards.  They immediately took all the Church's funds--and put the Church under a State dole.

Of course, by this time, Mussolini and Hitler had risen to power in Italy and Germany respectively, and very favorable Concordats had been signed that rewarded the Vatican very handsomely in those countries, in a financial sense.  (The Vatican Bank was started with Mussolini's dowry to the Church in 1929.)

Consequently, the Vatican began to look for a Fascist to back them in Spain, and they found such an ally in Franco.  Problem was, though, no one wanted to fight for Franco.  All the Spanish people were on the side of the Communists.

And so what happened?  The Vatican called in North African Muslims.  Reminded them that the Bishop of Rome had given them permission to take North Africa back in the 6th through 9th centuries, but that Jerusalem was supposed to have been given to the Church of Rome as a side benefit.  The Muslims never delivered on giving Jerusalem to the Vatican.  And so, Rome told the Muslims: "You owe us one."

And so, they got the Muslims to fight for Franco.  And Franco butchered the Communists, took over the gov't, with Vatican financing, and heavy financing from Mussolini and Hitler (at the Vatican's behest!), and with Muslim soldiers.  Ribera himself remembered as a small boy seeing the Muslim invaders on the streets of his home town.

And thus also, Turkey sided with the Fascists in both world wars.  Likewise, the Muslims that Lawrence of Arabia fought against.

Moral: we may get too optimistic about the current litigation against Rome for child abuse.  Rome has weaseled its way out on this issue in the past--despite the hatred of its own members--through force.

Of course, Rome's answer is always to seize the reins of power at the top....


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Editor’s Note: William Carroll’s book, The Last Crusade, corroborates Ribera’s testimony that much of Franco’s force was composed of Muslims fighting on his behalf, as well as that of the Vatican which supported Franco (albeit not publicly until 1937).  Here is an excerpt of a book review of The Last Crusade found at http://pages.prodigy.net/aesir/tlc.htm :


The Last Crusade

by Warren H. Carroll
Christendom Press, 1996
$7.95, 232 Pages
ISBN: 0-931888-67-0

"There are no neutral books on the history of the Spanish Civil War," Warren Carroll tells us in his Introduction to this brief treatment of the subject. His book is, as he promises, certainly no exception. Carroll is the founder and former president of Christendom College of Front Royal, Virginia, one of the more successful of the small liberal arts institutions founded in the past quarter century to promote Great Books and conservative Catholicism. He is the author of numerous works on twentieth century politics and church history, including the only modern account of the Monophysite controversy in my experience to exhibit real partisan heat. Perhaps predictably, whatever sympathy he has for the Republic is easily restrained…

Carroll evinces a quite literal take-no-prisoners attitude, which may do more to illustrate the spirit of both sides to the conflict than an extended discussion of its merits would have. Besides, partisans know things you would not otherwise hear about. It was news to me, for instance, that Franco was flown from the Canary Islands to take charge of the insurgent army in Spanish Morocco by an English plane and pilot, arranged through the good offices of English Catholics. I was also surprised to learn that the Vatican did not recognize the Nationalist government until August of 1937, despite the fact the Republicans murdered 12% of the total number of Spanish clergy. The delay was due to the fact the Church had not been suppressed in the Basque provinces of the Republic, and the Vatican was leaving its options open until the Nationalists conquered them.

It is remarkable to read an account of societal collapse in the 1930s that does not mention the economic depression. More specifically, it is remarkable to read an account of the Spanish Civil War that does not mention Guernica. Still, the book is not pure propaganda, since it does cite facts contrary to its thesis. Carroll characterizes the war as, literally, a crusade, and takes every opportunity to recall the 700-year long Spanish Reconquista of the Iberian Peninsula from the Moors. Nevertheless, he does not conceal the fact the army that Franco led to the relief of the crusaders at Alcazar was largely a Moorish force. Well, Carroll observes, these were pious Muslims…