







By J. Parnell McCarter

Puritan News Service



Below is what I submitted on the Covenanters internet list as the reason why I started and continue Puritan News Weekly:


It is good for us to consider how we as Christians will be instruments

of God to bring down the Beast and the False Prophet, who I believe are

the Black Pope and Pope. (see my book "Let My People Go")


Let me first submit how we should **not** do it.  Here is what I wrote

in my book review of "War Against the Idols" at:




"This is precisely what happened in the American Revolution.  The

revolutionaries, inspired by Romanists via freemasonry,

argued that they were carrying out a tradition of revolution consistent

with Calvin, Knox, and the Westminster divines.  And this

is what Eire argues as well: “Though far from democratic, these [JPM-

Calvinistic] theories influenced revolutions that would

later usher in democracy in other places.  Ironically enough, those

later revolutions would also usher in religious toleration, and

thus render useless the concept of ‘idolatry.’”  The revolutionaries

then duped many genuine Protestant Christians at the time

towards revolution under their leadership, having persuaded them that it

was consistent with historic Protestantism.   As we

read at http://www.natreformassn.org/statesman/01/poltheo.html, many

Presbyterian “Covenanter” dissenters fell into this trap

in the past:


“At the time of the War for Independence, Covenanters mingled their

blood with that of Christians of various descriptions so that the yoke

of tyranny might be thrown off.   In 1787, with the establishment of a

new, and innovating, written Constitution, the Covenanters found that

they had been miserably betrayed.”


But it should be wondered whether “Covenanter” dissenters have yet

repented of their error.  And Eire’s book is certainly

dangerous medicine for that ailment.


In reality, the revolutionaries advocated a theory and a course quite

contrary to the historic reformation.  The reformers like

Calvin and the Westminster divines advocated working with the civil

authority insofar as it did not result in sin; and they in no

wise advocated popular revolt.  The reformed ministers did not advocate

that the people rebel against the king and parliament, but rather

beseeched the king and parliament to obey Christ.  What came out of the

American Revolution in America was something far less reformed and

Protestant than what had been in place before the political revolution."


But how shall we as Christians now be proper instruments? Ephesians

5:11-13 is crucial to this.  It teaches how Christians should make

manifest the wicked and reprove them for it.  One of the goals of

Puritan News Weekly (http://www.puritans.net/news/ ) is to do precisely



Another reason for what I have written is because we are told to flee

the mysterious Babylon of Rev 17-18 to escape its judgment.  As you

know, I believe there is compelling evidence that it is Washington, DC

(and the nation it represents).  So I recommend people think twice about

being there.


There are other reasons, but that is enough for now.