Southern States' Rights Struggle Should Not Die but Rise and Win



The Southern struggle for States’ Rights has a long and illustrious history.  It began preeminently with Virginian Anglo-American patriot Patrick Henry’s defense of the Articles of Confederation (America’s first constitution which was unadvisedly and illegally abandoned) and his prescient warnings against adoption of the Federal constitution which replaced it.  He and other anti-federalists warned that it would inevitably lead to centralized government accumulation of power and tyranny and the diminution of the Biblical liberties of the Anglo-American patriot people.  The torch was later passed to anti-federalist Thomas Jefferson, who sought to reign in the power and scope of the Federal government in his government service and under his administration.  Yet later Southern statesman John C. Calhoun championed the cause, following in the footsteps of his anti-federalist father who had opposed abandonment of the Articles of Confederation. Prominent Christian ministers and theologians like James Henley Thornwell, Robert Dabney, and Benjamin Palmer upheld the religious rationale for the cause.  Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, and many others put their lives on the line in the struggle during the War Between the States.  Nathan Bedford Forrest opposed Federal Reconstruction in the South, after military service in the War that displayed his military genius.  In the last century Strom Thumond, Harry Byrd, Jesse Helms, and many others continued the struggle. 


The propaganda of the modern Babel seeks to defame past Southern States’ Rights efforts and squelch its continuance, but Southerners should respond in vigilance and wisdom. Time has fully vindicated the warnings of Patrick Henry and the other anti-federalists.  Rather than retreat and surrender, now is the time to arise and win, by God’s grace.  The path of our Anglo-American patriot forefathers provides a key to our own course of victory: create a network of Committees of Correspondence of Anglo-American patriots in every State of the USA.  Each State Committee would in turn elect a State Council/Assembly, which can then send delegates to a restored Continental Congress under the Articles of Confederation. The time to organize this Confederated System is now.  It will provide a clear alternative to the centralized Federal System which currently rules.


The current Federal System is economically, politically and morally bankrupt, and hence highly unstable.  It is amassing more and more debt, making it subject to a coming financial collapse which will make the collapse of 2008 look tame in comparison.  It has become more and more of a socialist police state over a “global nation” increasingly difficult to manage, especially in a coming time of financial collapse. Hostile foreign competitors like China and Russia (working with rogue states like North Korea and Iran) are gathering strength and positioning themselves to bring down the US Federal government as well, while the Federal System is over-extended with military outposts around the world.  Federal efforts to maintain abortion, mandate “gay marriage”, promote the “LGBT” agenda, curtail gun rights, etc., at a time of rising suicide rates, an opioid crisis, and declining birthrates, are evidence of moral bankruptcy.  All combined, there are good reasons to believe the Federal System will fall, with the alternative Confederated System waiting in the wings to replace it.


The alternative which can replace it then is a confederated USA of Anglo-American Patriot States, under the Articles of Confederation (America’s first constitution that was unadvisedly and illegally abandoned), with America’s first national flag (the Continental Colors or Grand Union flag) as the symbol of our enterprise:




This confederated USA can have partitioned out of the USA those liberal “blue” areas in a sea of “red” areas that remain part of the USA, such as illustrated here:




The centralized Federal empire over a “global nation” will fall, and the confederated USA of Anglo-American Patriot States, under the Articles of Confederation, will rise in its stead. This confederated USA will be a nation of and for the Anglo-American patriot people to God’s glory, not a multi-cultural “global nation” empire that only really serves the interests of an elite few. States’ Rights will be the victor, and the long struggle will be vindicated.


Join the struggle by joining your State’s Committee of Correspondence:  .




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