Thorough Investigation Warranted Into Dr. Fauci’s Viral Research Work and Concerning His Jesuit Connections  by J. Parnell McCarter


This is the first article in a series exploring the questionable conduct of Dr. Fauci related to Covid-19. Others are and



Dr. Chris Martenson cogently explains in this video why it is likely Covid -19 was human engineered : .  He shows how it has a genetic insert that viral "gain of function" researchers have been working on for more than a decade which enhances the virus' ability to penetrate cells. Its difference with related virus genomes is not just a mutation one commonly finds occurring in nature. See also the article at on this topic.


Yet NIAID head Dr. Anthony Fauci both asserts COVID-19 most assuredly evolved naturally, yet he has been making sure for years the "gain of function" research was funded in the Wuhan lab per :


"The best evidence shows the virus behind the pandemic was not made in a lab in China," Dr. Anthony Fauci said in an exclusive interview with National Geographic published on Monday. "Everything about the stepwise evolution over time strongly indicates that [this virus] evolved in nature and then jumped species."


"In 2019, the NIAID provided backing for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to commit $3.7 million over six years to the WIV for research including some studies into gain-of-function. This money came after another $3.7 million, 5-year project for studying various bat coronaviruses. That project concluded in 2019. The NIH canceled the latest $3.7 million project on Friday, April 24, Politico reported."


Does Dr. Fauci have something to hide?  What motivated him to fund the virus "gain of function" research? Surely he knows the dangers, for he himself said this back in May 2019:


“Dr. Anthony Fauci, dedicated to public service, formed at Jesuit high school…Much of that he learned at Regis High School, a no-tuition Jesuit college-prep school on New York City's Upper East Side renowned as an academic haven for gifted boys…Fauci is also a graduate of College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts, another Jesuit institution, and Weill Cornell Medicine (then Cornell University Medical College)… During Fauci's visit to Regis last year — he also visited a biology class at the school before talking to alumni — he waxed nostalgically about his four years at Regis…At his Regis talk, Fauci was asked if there was anything that kept him up at night. He responded that his days are usually so long that he always sleeps well. But there was, he said, an issue that worried him when he was awake, namely the emergence of a virus that attacks the lungs, similar to the one that killed millions during 1918 and 1919…” -


Back in early 2017 Dr. Fauci "warned of a 'surprise outbreak' three years before the COVID-19 pandemic" at Jesuit Georgetown University, and that the challenge would be faced by the Trump administration ( 


Indeed, this Jesuit trained and Jesuit loving Dr. Fauci was even more prescient than that back in the early 2019, for this is what he said:


"Now what I’ve essentially done is paint the picture of a pandemic influenza. Now it doesn’t have to be influenza. It could be something like SARS. SARS was really quite scary. Thankfully, it kind of burned itself out by good public health measures. But the thing that worries most of us in the field of public health is a respiratory illness that can spread even before someone is so sick that you want to keep them in bed. And that’s really the difference.” -


The reporter attributed it to Dr. Fauci's prescience.  But what if Dr. Fauci knew even at that time the viral characteristics that were being developed by his "gain of research" funding, along with knowing it would be released before the Trump Administration's term of office ended?


A recently published, well-documented Newsweek article at shows how the US Federal Government paid money for a Communist Chinese lab in the Wuhan area of China to do research in live animals on how to make viruses more dangerous under Dr. Anthony Fauci’s leadership and instigation, and this same Dr. Fauci now spearheads the Federal Government fight against Covid-19.  Dr Fauci transferred research in 2015 to the Wuhan lab because in 2014 the Obama HHS determined this weaponized research was extremely dangerous and stopped the research here, so Dr. Fauci later had the US Federal Government help pay for it to be done by the Communist China Wuhan lab instead. Per : "As such in October 2014, due to public health concerns the US government banned all federal funding on efforts to weaponize three viruses—influenza, Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). In the face of a moratorium in the US, Dr. Anthony Fauci–director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID) and currently the leading doctor in the US Coronavirus Task Force–outsourced in 2015 the GOF research to China’s Wuhan lab and licensed the lab to continue receiving federal funding. The Wuhan lab is now at the center of scrutiny for possibly releasing theSARS-CoV-2 coronavirus and causing the global Covid-19 pandemic...if there is a government ban in 2014 on federal funding being used for GOF research, what are the federal compliance and ethical issues surrounding the fact that NIH still gave federal funding instead of private funding to the Wuhan lab to continue the experiments?"


So we now know for a fact that the Wuhan lab was conducting "gain of function" viral research per "Gain of function" viral research is "a line of research where scientists take viruses and study how they might be modified to become deadlier or more transmissible...This kind of highly controversial research — banned under the Obama administration after safety incidents demonstrated that lab containment is rarely airtight — began again under the Trump administration, and many scientists and public health researchers think it’s a really bad idea." (  ) The same article asserts, along with another article at , that Covid-19 could not possibly have been human engineered.  But as correctly pointed out by Dr. Chris Martenson at , the "proof" that this could not have possibly been human engineered is lame.  The supposed "proof" includes things like "humans could never have dreamed this up", "Covid-19 is not all that dangerous or transmissible", and "the Wuhan lab has the same safety protocols as the top biosafety labs in the US and Europe".  An article at that purports to show the "proof" is also highly questionable (such as "that SARS-CoV-2 may bind human ACE2 with high affinity, computational analyses predict that the interaction is not ideal"), as also explained by Dr. Chris Martenson at


This is no small matter, for Covid-19 is peculiarly dangerous, as explained in the article at :


“The Great Invader: How COVID-19 Attacks Every Organ


We have underestimated and misunderstood COVID-19 since it first appeared. And as we learn more, it's clear that COVID-19 can be more than just a respiratory disease. It's joined the ranks of other "great imitators" — diseases that can look like almost any condition…doctors have also reported people having heart rhythm problems, heart failure, kidney damage, confusion, headaches, seizures, Guillain-Barre syndrome, and fainting spells, along with new sugar control problemsIt's not just a fever and coughing, leading to shortness of breath, like everyone thought at first. This makes it incredibly difficult to diagnose and even harder to treat. "This is a disease progression we have never seen for any infection that I can think of, and I've been doing this for a couple of decades," says Joseph Vinetz, MD, an infectious disease specialist at Yale School of Medicine…Many doctors are discovering that abnormal clotting, known as thrombosis, may also play a major role in lethal COVID-19. Doctors are seeing clots everywhere: large-vessel clots, including deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in the legs and pulmonary emboli (PE) in the lungs; clots in arteries, causing strokes; and small clots in tiny blood vessels in organs throughout the body. Early autopsy results are also showing widely scattered clots in multiple organs…Even though researchers are learning more each day about the virus and how and where it attacks the body, treatment geared toward these targets also pose significant problems. Many drugs come with a risk of destroying the delicate balance that allows the body to help fight the disease or to manage inflammation…We also don't know how people will clear infections. If the new coronavirus ends up being an acute infection, like other coronaviruses, most recovered people should develop at least a short-term immunity. It's also possible that the virus may persist as a latent infection, like chickenpox, lying dormant in the body, only to re-emerge periodically as shingles does, or become a chronic infection, like hepatitis B, living within the body for a sustained period of time, causing long-term damage…”


Even *if* Covid-19 did not originate from the Wuhan lab funded with aid by Dr. Fauci, it is still illegal and unethical what Dr. Fauci did. There is good reason to charge Dr. Fauci with criminality.


Who is Dr. Fauci?


As noted at , Dr. Fauci was an expert on viruses and the immune system when the AIDS epidemic broke out. He knew the significance of it before others. He and his lab made various discoveries about it before others. By 1984 when he became director of NIAID, he was “the government’s leading scientist focused on the AIDS epidemic.”  “…By the middle of the twentieth century, many scientists had begun to conceive of a world that was largely free of infectious epidemics…But, since 1984, when Fauci became the director of NIAID, there has not been a day in which some epidemic has not threatened the globe…”  According to this same article, his “favorite book of philosophy” is “The Godfather.”




“…adds Eigo, “Fauci, despite being straight and Catholic, was not only not homophobic, which much of medical practice still was in the late 1980s, he also wouldn’t tolerate homophobia among his colleagues. He knew there was no place for that in a public-health crisis.”…


Dr. Fauci has past and on-going connections with the Jesuit Order, as documented in this article in the National Catholic Reporter: -


“Dr. Anthony Fauci, dedicated to public service, formed at Jesuit high schoolMuch of that he learned at Regis High School, a no-tuition Jesuit college-prep school on New York City's Upper East Side renowned as an academic haven for gifted boys…Fauci is also a graduate of College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts, another Jesuit institution, and Weill Cornell Medicine (then Cornell University Medical College)… During Fauci's visit to Regis last year — he also visited a biology class at the school before talking to alumni — he waxed nostalgically about his four years at Regis…At his Regis talk, Fauci was asked if there was anything that kept him up at night. He responded that his days are usually so long that he always sleeps well. But there was, he said, an issue that worried him when he was awake, namely the emergence of a virus that attacks the lungs, similar to the one that killed millions during 1918 and 1919…”


What Dr. Fauci did not mention what worried him was the fact that for years he had been spearheading efforts to create just such a dangerous and transmissible virus.


Dr. Fauci’s connections with the Jesuit Order are concerning for multiple reasons:


1.      Jesuit philosophy includes the view that “the ends justify the means”, a view that could infect Dr. Fauci in his approach to viral research.

2.      There are conflicts of interest between the Jesuit Order and its goals for the USA and the other nations of the world, compared with what is truly in the best interests of the USA and the other nations of the world.  Notable ones are these:

·         The Jesuit Order, along with the Roman Catholic Church hierarchy, has engaged in criminal child abuse cover up which threatens it – see and .

·         The Jesuit Order unrepentantly believes the Roman Catholic Pope should be the supreme ruler of the world, and hence the Vatican should be the ultimate and long-term superpower of the world and not the USA.

·         The Jesuit Order has one of its own members as Roman Catholic Pope, and so has an even added interest to achieve its goal.

·         The Jesuit Order unrepentantly believes it has divine license to employ even illegal acts in pursuit of its ends. 


See resources at and documenting the nature of the Jesuit Order and its role in history, as well as concerning eschatology and what should be expected during this part of world history. Americans were formerly very aware of the dangers associated with the Jesuit Order.  For instance, the “Book of the General Lawes and Libertyes Concerning the Inhabitants of the Massachusets, adopted in 1648, noted this concerning the Jesuit Order: “THIS Court taking into consideration the great wars, combustions and divisions which  are this day in Europe: and that the same are observed to be raysed and fomented  chiefly by the secret underminings, and solicitations of those of the Jesuiticall Order,  men brought up and devoted to the religion and court of Rome; which hath occasioned divers States to expell them their territories…” Jesuit influence has grown in America, yet ironically American awareness of their influence and its dangers has waned.  It would fit this time period in human history that the Jesuit Order is seeking to bring the USA down, as pointed out at .


Dr. Fauci says his motto comes from “The Godfather”: ‘It’s nothing personal, it’s strictly business.’” -  So what “business” has Dr. Fauci perpetrated in the world through his viral research?