The goal is to create a network of Committees of Correspondence of Anglo-American patriots in every State of the USA, towards the restoration of the confederated USA of Anglo-American Patriot States, under the Articles of Confederation (America’s first constitution), with America’s first national flag (the Continental Colors or Grand Union Flag) as the symbol of our enterprise:




This seeks to return America to its historic identity, an identity described in historian Dr. Samuel P. Huntington’s book Who Are We? The Challenges to America’s National Identity. It seeks to do so employing lessons from the past.


Here are some of the leading agenda items towards that goal:


·         Reject the federal “global nation” multicultural empire model which liberals have been progressively establishing in the USA.  Liberals intend to replicate their success with California in every State of the USA, but American patriots should oppose their agenda and provide an alternative course based upon America’s historic identity.


·         Each State Committee of Correspondence large enough to at least have a 5-man elected Council send Council delegates to an American patriot Continental Congress, patterned after the American patriot First Continental Congress.  This Continental Congress should list the grievances of the States of Anglo-American patriots against the federal government, point out how the Bill of Rights has been thoroughly trampled upon, urge that the federal government acquiesce to the partition of the States, and urge the States to return to the Articles of Confederation as our constitution. The Articles of Confederation got the USA through its most challenging war, provided better hedges against federal over-reach and protection of liberty, and acknowledged our dependence on God more clearly. Anti-federalists like Patrick Henry had warned against abandoning the Articles of Confederation. They were abandoned only on condition that the Bill of Rights be enacted and maintained by a US federal government, but that condition has been flagrantly violated. 


·         Partition out of every State the heavily concentrated liberal Democratic population areas with large Democratic populations but with generally minor territorial loss, leaving separated Blue “islands” in a conservative Red Republican American patriot “ocean”.  These partitioned out areas would ultimately become separate nations outside of the confederated USA, while allowing the States of the USA to have permanent Anglo-American patriot ruling majorities.


·         This Continental Congress of Anglo-American patriots should wait until the US federal government falls of its own weight (which there are good reasons to believe it will) and assiduously avoid engaging it in any military conflict, which most certainly would be a fool’s errand. Any attempted separation by force by Anglo-American patriots away from the US federal government would likely strengthen the federal government and thoroughly discredit the Anglo-American patriot movement. This is a time for patient organizing, as well as convincing Anglo-Americans in the States of the wisdom of the Anglo-American patriot agenda. The US federal government and its officers should be treated with respect while the federal order lasts.


·         Seek the deportation of all illegal immigrants from the Anglo-American Patriot States, the stoppage of the “anchor baby” phenomenon, the construction of necessary border barriers, the repeal of the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act, and other measures necessary to preserve these States for permanent Anglo-American patriot majority rule.  The federal government has failed to maintain long term the Anglo-American ruling majority in the USA because of its globalist agenda and lack of border controls.


·         Raise America’s first national flag (called the Continental Colors or Grand Union flag) throughout the country alongside the current US flag and the State flag as a symbol of support for the Anglo-American patriot cause. One anthem for this cause could be the original version of “God Bless America”.


·         Adopt English as the one and only official language of a confederated USA, serving as a bond among the American patriot States and a preserver of our heritage, as it has historically.


·         Encourage each State to reinstate anti-abortion laws, repeal “gay marriage” and reject the LGBT agenda, declaring that the US federal government has no right legally or morally to overturn States’ rights in these matters. States should be encouraged to increase American marriage and birth rates.


·         Encourage each State to maintain Second Amendment gun rights as a protection against political tyranny- a tyranny liberals will surely inflict upon us if they have their way without opposition.


·         Encourage States to thwart legislation which disadvantages Anglo-American patriots, such as “Affirmative Action” laws, reparations for non-whites, government benefits to illegal aliens at the expense of US citizens, and demonization of American patriots past and present.




Each State Committee of Correspondence of Anglo-American patriots will begin with organizers who are State residents. These organizers will first seek to organize at least 100 State voting members.  Once there are at least 100 State voting members, the State voting members can elect a 5-man State Council, with an initial 2-year term. To vote or hold office in a State Committee of Correspondence one must at least:


·         Be an Anglo-American patriot seeking a confederated USA of Anglo-American Patriot States, under the Articles of Confederation, where Anglo-American patriots are the permanent ruling majority

·         Have no felony conviction for the last decade

·         Respect US federal government authority and disavow terrorism or military force to replace it, while the US federal government lasts (Just as the US Articles of Confederation were replaced by the federal Constitution without resorting to war against the Congress of the Articles of Confederation, so the US Articles of Confederation can be restored and replace the federal Constitution without resorting to war against the US federal government.)

·         Be a resident of the State at least 21 years of age


Each State Council and its voting members will decide terms of office, additional requirements for voting membership, number of State Council (or Assembly) members, etc. pertaining to that State.  These State Councils will determine when there are a sufficient number of States with a sufficient number of members to warrant calling a Continental Congress of Anglo-American Patriot States. 


The initial national social media websites are these:


Facebook Page:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/ReturnToArticlesOfConfederation/

USA.Life Page:  



The initial websites of the State Committees of Correspondence are as follows, to be administered by the State’s elected Council once a State has elected such Council:



Alabama Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page:  https://www.facebook.com/Alabama-Committee-of-Correspondence-109122597128184/?modal=admin_todo_tour


Email address for membership inquiries:



Alaska Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page:  


Email address for membership inquiries:



Arizona Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page:  https://www.facebook.com/Arizona-Committee-of-Correspondence-103968077648880/?modal=composer


Email address for membership inquiries:



Arkansas Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page:  https://www.facebook.com/Arkansas-Committee-of-Correspondence-105424837502020/?modal=admin_todo_tour


Email address for membership inquiries:



California Committee of Correspondence*-


*Since there are already organized efforts to partition California and partition out liberal areas, the role of the California Committee of Correspondence is different from the role of Committees of Correspondence of other States.  Its role in California is simply to encourage these organizations to wed their State efforts with a national effort to restore the Articles of Confederation.  These partition efforts include New California State and State of Jefferson. 


Facebook Page:  https://www.facebook.com/California-Committee-of-Correspondence-105378037505252/?modal=admin_todo_tour

State Contact: Charles Bartlett



Colorado Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page:  


Email address for membership inquiries:



Connecticut Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page:  


Email address for membership inquiries:



Delaware Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page:  


Email address for membership inquiries:



Florida Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page:  https://www.facebook.com/Florida-Committee-of-Correspondence-107467093986788/?modal=admin_todo_tour



Georgia Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page:  https://www.facebook.com/Georgia-Committee-of-Correspondence-107593437282846/?modal=admin_todo_tour


Email address for membership inquiries:



Hawaii Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page:  


Email address for membership inquiries:



Idaho Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page:  


Email address for membership inquiries:



Illinois Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page:  https://www.facebook.com/Illinois-Committee-of-Correspondence-110880480284683/?modal=admin_todo_tour


Email address for membership inquiries:



Indiana Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Indiana-Committee-of-Correspondence-110832823643683/?modal=admin_todo_tour

Organizer: Mark Wallace

Email address for membership inquiries:



Iowa Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page:  https://www.facebook.com/Iowa-Committee-of-Correspondence-114543106582110/?modal=admin_todo_tour


Email address for membership inquiries:



Kansas Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page:  


Email address for membership inquiries:



Kentucky Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page:  https://www.facebook.com/Kentucky-Committee-of-Correspondence-101542877890207/?modal=admin_todo_tour


Email address for membership inquiries:



Louisiana Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page:  https://www.facebook.com/Louisiana-Committee-of-Correspondence-115048429865821/


Email address for membership inquiries:



Maine Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Maine-Committee-of-Correspondence-116213513105773/?modal=admin_todo_tour  


Email address for membership inquiries:



Maryland Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page:  https://www.facebook.com/Maryland-Committee-of-Correspondence-104335130944309/?modal=admin_todo_tour


Email address for membership inquiries:




Massachusetts Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page:  


Email address for membership inquiries:



Michigan Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Michigan-Committee-of-Correspondence-100398891322535/?modal=admin_todo_tour

USA.Life Page:  https://usa.life/page-setting/MichiganCommitteeOfCorrespondence/

Organizer: J. Parnell McCarter

Email address for membership inquiries: info@puritans.net



Minnesota Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page:  


Email address for membership inquiries:



Mississippi Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Mississippi-Committee-of-Correspondence-101975011182413/?modal=admin_todo_tour


Email address for membership inquiries:



Missouri Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Missouri-Committee-of-Correspondence-113497730043248/?modal=admin_todo_tour


Email address for membership inquiries:



Montana Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/Montana-Committee-of-Correspondence-120308079357064/?modal=admin_todo_tour


Email address for membership inquiries:



Nebraska Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page:  


Email address for membership inquiries:




Nevada Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page:  


Email address for membership inquiries:



New Hampshire Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page:  


Email address for membership inquiries:



New Jersey Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page:  


Email address for membership inquiries:



New Mexico Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page:  


Email address for membership inquiries:



New York Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page:  


Email address for membership inquiries:



North Carolina Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page:  https://www.facebook.com/North-Carolina-Committee-of-Correspondence-105761614132510/?modal=admin_todo_tour


Email address for membership inquiries:



North Dakota Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page:  


Email address for membership inquiries:



Ohio Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page:  https://www.facebook.com/Ohio-Committee-of-Correspondence-115485283179167/?modal=admin_todo_tour


Email address for membership inquiries:




Oklahoma Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page:  https://www.facebook.com/Oklahoma-Committee-of-Correspondence-112437756794531/?modal=admin_todo_tour


Email address for membership inquiries:



Oregon Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page:  https://www.facebook.com/Oregon-Committee-of-Correspondence-101268481276307/?modal=admin_todo_tour


Email address for membership inquiries:




Pennsylvania Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page:  


Email address for membership inquiries:



Rhode Island Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page:  


Email address for membership inquiries:



South Carolina Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page:  https://www.facebook.com/South-Carolina-Committee-of-Correspondence-100440961336115/?modal=admin_todo_tour


Email address for membership inquiries:



South Dakota Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page:  


Email address for membership inquiries:



Tennessee Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page:  https://www.facebook.com/Tennessee-Committee-of-Correspondence-100455524668363/?modal=admin_todo_tour


Email address for membership inquiries:




Texas Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page:  https://www.facebook.com/TexasCommitteeOfCorrespondence/?

USA.Life Page:  https://usa.life/TexasCommitteeOfCorrespondence/


Email address for membership inquiries:



Utah Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page:  


Email address for membership inquiries:

Vermont Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page:  


Email address for membership inquiries:



Virginia Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page:  https://www.facebook.com/Virginia-Committee-of-Correspondence-100828864631512/?modal=admin_todo_tour


Email address for membership inquiries:



Washington Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page:  https://www.facebook.com/Washington-Committee-of-Correspondence-111513233579567/?modal=admin_todo_tour


Email address for membership inquiries:



West Virginia Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page:  https://www.facebook.com/West-Virginia-Committee-of-Correspondence-102027914511042/


Email address for membership inquiries:



Wisconsin Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page:  


Email address for membership inquiries:



Wyoming Committee of Correspondence-


Facebook Page:  


Email address for membership inquiries:


An Index of Articles related to this effort can be found at http://www.puritans.net/articles/indexarticlesconfederation.htm .