Example Letter to Township Leaders Seeking Election Integrity and Neighborhood Watch Support
Dear Board of … :
I misestimated that the “political Establishment”, including many Republican leaders as well as Democrats, would be willing to bring discredit to the American election system in order to thwart the election of Mr. Trump and hence avert likely widespread violent response to his election. (I am writing this as someone with very limited enthusiasm for Mr. Trump, but rather as a citizen very interested in election integrity and public confidence in election integrity.) So the widespread violent reaction I had feared did not materialize. However, this does not mean there has been little damage as a consequence of the recent election cycle.
The effect of what has happened on public confidence is manifested in polls such as this:
www.westernjournal.com/poll-3-trump-voters-believe-biden-actual-election-winner/ – “Poll: Only 3% of Trump Voters Believe Biden Is Actual Election Winner”
The problems in the election system here in Michigan and elsewhere are not simply the result of a vivid public imagination, but based upon confirmed evidence, as documented below and other sites:
I would request that you as political leaders work to restore integrity and public confidence in Michigan elections. When state and national leaders fail, local leaders need to seek to pick up the pieces. For instance, you as a Board can insist that we here have voting machines where the programming code is open source and not proprietary (hence hidden from ready public inspection), and you can insist that we here have voting machines not connected to the internet and subject to illegal hacking. Furthermore, you can form and join an alliance with other Township leaders across the County and State who insist upon procedures which ensure election integrity statewide. What happens in Detroit affects us, because illegal votes there mean Georgetown Township votes are illegally reduced in importance.
In addition, although a bullet has been dodged for now with respect to widespread violence, this does not mean we are out of the woods long term. Furthermore, there are other needs which can be addressed when neighbors are more connected and civically engaged. I would encourage you to do for … Township what Polkton Township did with respect to a Township supported neighborhood watch program. You have authority and visibility that regular private citizens lack. It is a modest step that can do good long term. Deputy … has the information, but it takes local leaders like you with public visibility to help promote the program.