Michigan Alliance of Christian Anglo-American Electors
An organization is being formed in Michigan whose membership requirements seek to follow the requirements for an elector in the state’s territory according to the Articles of Confederation (the original Christian constitution of the USA which was illegally abandoned) and the Northwest Ordinance of 1787. This organization will seek to amend the current state constitution, according to the state’s legal procedures for doing so, to bring the state under the Articles of Confederation. It will be pursued by peaceful, legal processes. The goal is to reform the USA by God’s grace into its original Biblical Christian structure and away from the modern Babel model. It is hoped that such an organization will form in each state of the USA.
Hence, the objective of the Michigan Alliance of Christian Anglo-American Electors is to amend the state constitution of Michigan so as to explicitly bring it into subjection to the Lord Jesus Christ consistent with the original Christian constitution of the USA, the Articles of Confederation, solely by legal, peaceful processes. This original Christian constitution of the USA was never amended according to the legally stipulated procedures in the Articles of Confederation, such that the secular humanist Federal Constitution which replaced it, and the secular humanist Federal Government based in Washington, DC created by such Federal Constitution, are immoral and illegal usurpations of power. Nevertheless, only legal, peaceful processes should be employed by the states of the USA to depart from tyranny under this modern imperial Babel and to return to the original Christian constitution of the USA, a nation originally organized consistent with the model of Old Testament Israel in its moral aspects (while Israel was a republic consisting of confederated Hebrew tribes).
The following are required of all voting members of the Michigan Alliance:
1. Profession of the Christian religion
2. Anglo-American (i.e., white American) [equivalent to the term “free inhabitant” in the Articles of Confederation, as well as in the Northwest Ordinance of 1787]
3. “Of full age”
4. Male inhabitant of Michigan
5. Seeking the objective of this Alliance and solely by legal, peaceful processes, and not a pauper, vagabond, or fugitive from justice.
Should any of the above requirements cease to exist in a given member, his voting membership in this Alliance would immediately cease.
The above membership requirements reflect the express or implied requirements of electors per the the Articles of Confederation and the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, which served as legal foundation for the formation of the state of Michigan. Let’s consider the historic evidence for each of these requirements:
1. Besides the wording of the Articles of Confederation and the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 indicating that Jesus Christ is Lord, various actions of the national confederation government evidence its Christian character.
2. Chief Justice Roger Taney’s decision in the Dred Scott case explains this requirement:
“… The provision in the Articles of Confederation was, ‘that the free inhabitants of each of the States, paupers, vagabonds, and fugitives from justice, excepted, should be entitled to all the privileges and immunities of free citizens in the several States.’ It will be observed, that under this Confederation, each State had the right to decide for itself, and in its own tribunals, whom it would acknowledge as a free inhabitant of another State. The term free inhabitant, in the generality of its terms, would certainly include one of the African race who had been manumitted. But no example, we think, can be found of his admission to all the privileges of citizenship in any State of the Union after these Articles were formed, and while they continued in force. And, notwithstanding the generality of the words ‘free inhabitants,’ it is very clear that, according to their accepted meaning in that day, they did not include the African race, whether free or not: for the fifth section of the ninth article provides that Congress should have the power ‘to agree upon the number of land forces to be raised, and to make requisitions from each State for its quota in proportion to the number of white inhabitants in such State, which requisition should be binding.’ Words could hardly have been used which more strongly mark the line of distinction between the citizen and the subject; the free and the subjugated races. The latter were not even counted when the inhabitants of a State were to be embodied in proportion to its numbers for the general defence. And it cannot for a moment be supposed, that a class of [60 U.S. 393, 419] persons thus separated and rejected from those who formed the sovereignty of the States, were yet intended to be included under the words ‘free inhabitants,’ in the preceding article, to whom privileges and immunities were so carefully secured in every State.”
The Declaration of Independence speaks of the British colonists (along with white foreigners naturalized into them) as a “free people” and “our people” and their states as “free and independent” states, in contrast to other people groups not free. So the term “free inhabitants” in legal documents of the time in the USA was equivalent to the term “Anglo-Americans“.
3/4. The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 stipulates: “So soon as there shall be five thousand free male inhabitants of full age in the district, upon giving proof thereof to the governor they shall receive authority, with time and place, to elect representatives form their counties or townships, to represent them in the general assembly.”
5. The Articles of Confederation excludes “paupers, vagabonds and fugitives from justice”, and hence requires following legal, peaceful processes in constitutional amendment, even those done for the honor of the Lord Jesus Christ.
There will also be non-voting associate members who support the cause of this organization and want to assist it, but who do not meet all of the requirements for full membership. All such associate members must be seeking the objective of this Alliance and solely by legal, peaceful processes, and not a pauper, vagabond, or fugitive from justice.
Michigan Alliance members will elect a 5-member Board of Officers, once there are at least 1,000 voting members. They will be selected as the 5 voting member candidates garnering the highest vote tally in an open ballot method of voting. (The open ballot method of voting was the preponderant method in the USA during the first 100 years of its existence.) The Board so elected will decide among themselves the ones fulfilling the necessary roles (President, Clerk, Treasurer, etc.). There will be an annual election of such officers.
Towards the achievement of its objective, this Michigan Alliance will initially seek to:
– Consider, revise as necessary, and endorse a Christian amendment to the Michigan constitution, starting with the draft amendment here.
– Frame proposed compacts with leaders of American Indian tribes, African Americans, and Hispanic Americans inhabiting the current state of Michigan, so as to maintain good working relations between the state of Michigan and seceding states led by these people groups separate and distinct from the state of Michigan led by the Anglo-American people group. Reference to such proposed compacts will be included in the Christian amendment to the Michigan constitution.
– Obtain sufficient signatures to get the Christian amendment to the Michigan constitution on the ballot for all current eligible voting citizens in Michigan to vote upon.
– Encourage passage of such Christian amendment to the Michigan constitution
The symbol of the Michigan Alliance, and hopefully other such alliances formed in other states of the USA, is the original Christian national flag of the USA, the Continental Colors: