Letter to Ottawa County Board Regarding Diversity and Inclusion Office Dated 03/03/2021
Dear Ottawa County Board:
In 2018 the Board approved a diversity and inclusion office: https://www.hollandsentinel.com/news/20181212/county-approves-first-step-in-new-diversity-inclusion-office. In 2019 it took a further step, as reported at https://www.mlive.com/news/grand-rapids/2019/03/ottawa-county-approves-funding-plan-for-new-diversity-office.html : “A five-year, $1.1 million funding plan for the office was approved last week by the Ottawa County Board of Commissioners…The focus of the office won’t just be on race but also age, gender and sexual orientation, he said.” We see an example of what the Office is currently doing in a forum it sponsored, as documented at https://www.miottawa.org/CI/pdf/Presentations/GARE_Oct2020.pdf . One slide shows alleged “Racial inequity in Ottawa County.” Another slide defines “racial equity” thus: “Racial equity is realized when race can no longer be used to predict life outcomes, and outcomes for all groups are improved.”
What should we think about this “diversity” agenda, and where should we look to find out what we should think about it?
With respect to the second question, the foundational answer is: God’s word, the Bible. What we find there is that the diversity agenda is as old as ancient Babel, and we should not be surprised to find it even in this modern age, since Revelation chapters 17 and 18 prophesied “Babel” would have continuing manifestation. There is no moral imperative for the sort of “diversity” in every community and nation that diversity advocates propound; indeed the sort of “diversity” they propound is condemned according to scriptural principles. There is nothing new about rebellion against God the Father and His Anointed, Jesus Christ, for it is even older than ancient Babel. Babel is not to be the model we should seek for the world, but instead independent sovereign nations following the moral law after the example of Israel. The Bible does not condone some sort of Nazi fantasy of “racially pure” nations, but neither does it condone this quasi-Marxist, libertine diversity agenda. The principles of the Ten Commandments are the precepts by which Jesus Christ will judge the world.
Since the Bible is true, we should not be surprised to find that human experience corroborates its doctrines on the matter of “diversity” like all else:
In light of the Biblical testimony and human experience, the Ottawa County Board should shut down the Diversity and Inclusion Office and use County money for things consistent with Biblical principles. We ought to pray that God would be merciful upon us, and give us grace to repent of our sins. In any case, this modern “Babel” will have a terminus according to God’s infallible decree.
Thank you for your thoughtful consideration of this request.