Letter Requesting Support for an Afrikaner Homeland Nation by J. Parnell McCarter
Dear Elders of the Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland,
The Synod of the Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland issued an official declaration on South African apartheid (see http://www.puritans.net/articles/1962FPapartheid.pdf ) in response to the South African government’s withdrawal of the nation from the British Commonwealth in May 1961. Much has happened in the world in general and southern Africa in particular since 1961. Let’s consider some of the notable events:
- The USA and the United Kingdom pressured the white Rhodesian government to give up its rule and turn over all Rhodesian territory to the black majority of the nation, who in turn elected wicked Roman Catholic Marxist leader Robert Mugabe.
- Within one decade of taking power Mugabe (of the majority Shona tribe) authorized the genocide of the Ndebele people (the minority black tribe in Zimbabwe).
- Within two decades of taking power Mugabe forced the expulsion of white farmers and turned a blind eye as they were slaughtered in the process. From being the “bread basket of Africa”, Zimbabwe has descended into a veritable economic basket case, leading many Zimbabweans to flee due to the awful economic conditions.
- The Roman Catholic bishops of Zimbabwe have recently issued this declaration regarding Robert Mugabe: “We thank the former President for the good work he did for Zimbabwe during the liberation struggle and as President for 37 years. We forgive him for any shortcomings during his long tenure of office.” (see http://www.catholicherald.co.uk/news/2017/11/27/zimbabwe-bishops-forgive-robert-mugabe/ )
- The USA and the United Kingdom pressured the white South African government to give up its rule and turn over all South African territory to the black majority of the nation, who in turn elected wicked Marxist leader Nelson Mandela and even more wicked leaders who have followed him.
- South Africa’s black ruling party (the ANC) has defended the singing of “kill the Boer” [referring to white South African farmers] (see https://www.reuters.com/article/ozatp-safrica-racism-20100330-idAFJOE62T0IM20100330 ), including by former South African president Jacob Zuma.
- Post-apartheid South Africa has adopted a constitution thoroughly humanistic and wicked, overturning the previous constitution which was more Christian in character.
- Influential black politician Julius Malema, who has successfully gotten the ruling ANC on board with his proposal to expropriate white-owned property in South Africa without compensation, has said he wasn’t “calling for the slaughtering of white people,” then added, “at least for now.” He has joyfully sung the “kill the Boer” song. He has told his followers that “we are cutting the throat of whiteness.”
- South Africa has passed “affirmative action” employment laws that officially discriminate against white people.
- The South African president and his party have indicated their intention to change the South African constitution to allow expropriation of white owned land without compensation (see https://www.reuters.com/article/us-safrica-politics-land/south-africas-anc-to-amend-constitution-to-allow-land-expropriation-idUSKBN1KL2VN ). This alone constitutes theft of white property, because it has the immediate effect of significantly decreasing the value of white owned property.
- The liberal mainstream in the USA (represented by such news outlets as the New York Times, CNN, etc.) decry as “racist” Americans who express concerns over what is happening in South Africa regarding property expropriation and white farmer murders. This means they do not have any significant disagreement with what the black South African government is doing. Logically, this means that once nations like the USA and Canada no longer have white majorities, we should expect the liberal mainstream to be perfectly comfortable with the expropriation of white owned property in the Americas on much the same grounds as are being argued for expropriation in South Africa.
Not just the descendants of Ham have a right to nationalist aspirations, and not just Jews descended from Shem have a right to homeland nations where they may have a permanent ruling majority so they are protected from the persecutions of other peoples. The peoples descended from Japheth have these same Biblical God-given rights. We can rightly disagree with the old South African apartheid system, as I have done at http://www.puritans.net/articles/apartheid.htm , while yet calling for homeland nations for Afrikaners and white Rhodesians (within current South African and Zimbabwean territory, respectively) where they are the permanent ruling majority.
We should not be fooled by the wicked diversity agenda which is being foisted upon us (see http://www.puritans.net/articles/diversityagenda.htm), nor should we be duped by perverted interpretations of passages like Galatians 3:28 which suggest that it means the elimination of all distinctions between males and females and all distinctions among ethnic peoples. To take but one example of the latter, God has chosen to use the ethnic Jewish people (and not the Gentile peoples) to bring the world into the millennial reformation, even as God gave the Jewish people special privileges during the Old Testament era. God has also sovereignly elected to bless the peoples descended from Japheth in certain ways which He has withheld from the descendants of Ham. And within nations God elects to favor some over others. Ethnicity is not just a social construct and skin deep, any more than the male-female distinction is just a social construct and surface level. True justice is defined by the Ten Commandments, and both the Second and Fifth Commandments imply appropriate distinctions among people should not be rejected, even while upholding fair treatment of all.
Finally, we should not be naïve as to Satan and the Pope’s design in all of this. Third World peoples descended from Ham are typically more readily manipulated into subservience to their cause. And when the historically white Protestant nations are out of the way, then Satan and the Pope will be better poised to take out Israel and stop the Protestant Reformation the converted Jews can bring about. Of course, Satan and the Pope will not succeed, but we should be instruments to stop them in their wicked designs.
For the above reasons, I would request that the Synod of the Free Presbyterian Church of Scotland issue an updated declaration relating to southern Africa, recognizing the moral propriety of Afrikaner and white Rhodesian homeland nations, where these peoples are the permanent ruling majority in them, alongside homeland nations for black African peoples, and urging all such nations to adopt constitutions which are Christian in character.
J. Parnell McCarter