Request to the Governing Boards in Ottawa County, Michigan
Dear Members of this Governing Board in Ottawa County, Michigan:
I am providing to you a flyer entitled “THE LEGAL AND MORAL BASIS FOR A RETURN TO THE ORIGINAL CHRISTIAN CONSTITUTION OF THE USA (THE ARTICLES OFCONFEDERATION) TO BE REFLECTED IN THE STATE CONSTITUTION BY GOD’S GRACE”. This topic is very relevant to you, because each of you take an oath to the national constitution, and such guides your governance. The legally and morally rightful national constitution is a Christian one that distributes power to the sovereign states and their localities, not a secular humanist one which centralizes power in Washington, DC. The original Christian one, the Articles of Confederation, was illegally usurped by its replacement, the Federal Constitution. This is a national sin which lies at the legal foundation of our progressive transformation from a Christian republic of sovereign states to a modern day imperial Babel. Since civil officers from the national government level down to the state and local government levels take an oath to the national constitution, the effects permeate society. Even the good parts of the Federal Constitution- for it most definitely has good parts- work to ill effect, because they have blinded American Christians from seeing the ugly reality of the Federal Constitution, even as Satan often appears as “an angel of light.”
For the details of how the change in national constitution was illegally accomplished, I would direct your attention to one of the books quoted on the second page of the flyer: Conceived in Liberty: Volume 5 of Dr. Murray Rothbard. As quoted there: “… the nationalist forces were able to execute their truly amazing political coup d’etat which illegally liquidated the Articles of Confederation and replaced it with the Constitution. In short, they were able to destroy the original individualist and decentralized program of the American Revolution … The Federalists, by use of propaganda, chicanery, fraud, malapportionment of delegates, blackmail threats of secession, and even coercive laws, had managed to sustain enough delegates to defy the wishes of the majority of the American people and create a new Constitution.” In other words, not only were the legal procedures for amendment of the original constitution not followed, but the whole thing was orchestrated in a blatantly illegal and unethical fashion.
But besides being illegal, it is terribly immoral, because God calls civil rulers to “kiss the Son”, but the Federal Government under the Federal Constitution mandates secular humanism. The honor due Christ is set aside, and loss of Christian liberty is an inevitable consequence. We should really not be surprised at the increasingly wicked and ridiculous mandates from those wedded to Babel-style governance.
Recognition of sin, followed by confession of sin, enabled by the Holy Spirit, are the first steps in Biblical repentance. So I would ask the members of this Board (along with the other governing boards in Ottawa County) to officially acknowledge and confess the national sin. I am asking for change following peaceful, legal procedure. There is good scriptural reason to believe God will free us from this neo-Babylonian bondage without our use of any military force (Revelation 17:16, 18:21), even as He freed the ancient Jews from their bondage to Babylon without their using military force (Daniel 5:30-31). We must patiently wait for God to do it, even while taking a firm moral stand like Daniel and his companions, paving the way for a sound aftermath. It is the neo-Babylonian side which has repeatedly engaged in illegality and violence to attain their political ends, starting with their illegal usurpation of the Articles of Confederation. The writing is on the wall: this Federal empire is headed for downfall, as evidenced by largely open borders, rising foreign enemies and challenges, and foolish government policies.
We should not expect national repentance to start in Washington, DC, but instead at the local grassroots level, such as here in Ottawa County. God may allow us to serve as examples for other localities in Michigan and across the country. As one of the suggested resources notes: “the only way to really get square with promise-keeping and the rule of law would be to haul the whole thing down and put the previous document – the Articles of Confederation – back into place.” It is our original national Christian covenant, and in the words of Galatians 3:15, “though it be but a man’s covenant, yet if it be confirmed, no man disannulleth…” We all must account on the Great Day of Judgment of whether we “kissed the Son” in our governance of ourselves and others.
Thank you for consideration of these requests.
J. Parnell McCarter
Jenison, Michigan