My Genealogy Back to Archibald Campbell III (earl of Argyle)
The following is my genealogy to my ancestor Archibald Campbell III:
- Margie Ruth Johnson McCarter (1929 – present) – my mother
- Bettie Ruth McNamara Johnson (1905 – 1979)
- Ina Rose Scott McNamara (1884 – 1954)
- Bettie Fortson McCown (1858 – 1934 )
- David Conroe McCown (1833 – 1880)
- James McCown (1808 – 1852)
- Sampson McCown (1773 – 1831)
- Alexander McCown (1713 – 1802)
- Alexander Malcolm McCune (1675 – 1735)
- Mary Campbell (1660 – 1750)
- Archibald Campbell III (earl of Argyle) (1629 – 1685), husband of Lady Mary Stewart (1629 – 1668)
The biography of Archibald Campbell III is described at,_9th_Earl_of_Argyll . It is summarized as follows:
“The hereditary chief of Clan Campbell, and a prominent figure in Scottish politics, he was a Royalist supporter during the latter stages of the Scottish Civil War and its aftermath. During the period of the Cromwellian Protectorate he was involved in several Royalist uprisings and was for a time imprisoned. After the Restoration of Charles II, despite his previous Royalism he fell under suspicion due to his hereditary judicial powers in the Highlands and his strong Presbyterian religious sympathies. Condemned to death in 1681 on a highly dubious charge of treason and libel, he escaped from prison and was later to mount “Argyll’s Rising“, a 1685 Scottish rebellion against James II intended to support the Monmouth Rebellion. The Rising failed, and Argyll was captured and beheaded.”
Clan Campbell and clan MacArthur in Scotland are really two branches of the same family. That intersection is interesting because through my father’s side I am descended from the MacArthurs of Scotland and through my mother’s side I am descended from the Campbells of Scotland. See for an explanation of this relation.